www.gazinvestproject.com » Chemical products » Chemicals for drilling wells » Other specialized chemicals » High-temperature deflocculant RV-SM

High-temperature deflocculant RV-SM

High-temperature deflocculant RV-SM is a light-brown powder with light specific odor. It is represented by calcium lignosulfonate copolymer that doesn't contain chrome. It is highly-soluble in fresh and sea water. Purpose and use Liquefier and stabilizer of lime-based drilling mud controls rheological properties of drilling mud. It is adapted to polyvalent aggression of ions РЎР°2+ and Рњg2+. It is efficient in both, fresh and sea water. 

Typical properties




Light-brown powder with light specific odor

pH(30% aqueous solution)

3.0 – 3.5 

Density, g/cm3

1.03 – 1.6 

Thermal stability, В°РЎ

Up to 200

Recommendations on use Add this liquefier in the form of 30% solution directly into the system. The concentration for necessary volume of drilling mud: 5-10%. PackageHigh-temperature deflocculant RV-SM is delivered in multi-wall bags with nominal weight of 25 kg. 

36000, Poltava
Pushkina str., 6
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72
61072, Kharkiv
23 Serpnya Str., 20-Рђ, Рѕf. 11 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72

04053, Kyiv 
Observatorna str., 25 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72


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