www.gazinvestproject.com » About company


Modern, high-tech service company

Company "OC "Gasinvestproject" was founded by the team of specialists in chemistry and oil and gas services in Kyiv city in 2009. Today we are able to provide a range of modern technologies and services in gas and oil industry. Since 2012 the company is one of leading service company of Ukraine and is specialized in rendering of engineering services in the field of drill fluids, services on core sample collection and also supply of high-quality chemical reagents of own and foreign production. We have managed to reached high results and take leading positions at the market due to systematic approach, use of high technological equipment, chemical reagents and attraction of highly qualified technical specialists in the course of our development. Gasinvestproject is in constant search for new directions that would give new strength to business companies and Ukrainian economics in general. Efficient management of the company is ensured due to complex client-focused approach, considering demands of every definite customer. The company has partner relationships with Ukrainian and foreign partners. Gasinvestproject appreciate its good name and reputation of reliable business partner therefore it guarantees high quality and European style of business conduct. 

36000, Poltava
Pushkina str., 6
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72
61072, Kharkiv
23 Serpnya Str., 20-Рђ, Рѕf. 11 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72

04053, Kyiv 
Observatorna str., 25 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72


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