www.gazinvestproject.com » Services and products » Drilling fluid service » Modern systems of drilling fluid » Non-clayish mineralized (saline) drilling mud

Non-clayish mineralized (saline) drilling mud

Non-clayish highly mineralized drilling mud - a system that processed mineral reagent NaCl and polymer chemicals stabilizers that provide the necessary basic parameters and technological properties of drilling in the range of chemogenic sediments and strong strata of salt rocks.Practical application

  • use for drilling in intervals of carbonate and chemically active clays and chemogenic rocks (intercalation, bischofite) lower Permian;
  • technical and economic indicators, it is advisable to use a system when drilling intervals of strong thick salt (halite) deposits of the Devonian.
  • it is used during workover
The features and benefits
  • simple in preparation technology and quality control;
  • let the preparation on the basis of partially mineralized drilling mud;
  • provides optimal technological properties for flushing and cleaning of drilling mud from drilled rock;
  • stabilizes the walls of the well bore, prevents the formation of cavities;
  • prevents the accumulation of seals on the elements of the drill tool;
  • a fairly high level of lubrication and antifriction properties;
  • stable to increasing total salinity and multivalent (Ca ++ - Mg ++) aggression;
  • high inhibiting properties, which are due to high total salinity;
  • minimize the hydration and swelling of active clay rocks;
  • it is possible to use, as a base solution for preparing drilling mud for future drilling interval of opening of productive horizons;
  • low filtration loss;
  • relatively low cost.
Methods of quality management
  • the output of the mineralized drilling mud is based on clean water with the addition of salts of NaCl, simultaneously stabiliziruemost reagent GIP-FILT grade A;
  • additional reduction of the filtration rate is achieved by treatments of polymers GIP-FILT brand D, GIP-FILT stamps;
  • the initial content of Cl - 150 000 mg/l to provide the necessary density 1200 kg/m3;
  • the required rheological properties are controlled through the use of polymers GIP-THIN brand In GIP-THIN brand A and GIP-FILT brand E;
  • stability of the borehole walls is achieved by reagent GIP POWER of the brand;
  • The main document for each well is a geological engineering program and quality control of drilling mud is carried out in accordance with the approved “Well flushing program”
In the drilling process of regulation of key parameters and technological properties and change according to the actual geological and technical conditions of well drilling and agreed with the customer and drilling contractor.

36000, Poltava
Pushkina str., 6
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72
61072, Kharkiv
23 Serpnya Str., 20-Рђ, Рѕf. 11 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72

04053, Kyiv 
Observatorna str., 25 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72


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