www.gazinvestproject.com » Chemical products » Chemicals for drilling wells » Lubricants and antistuck reagents » PIPE LUBЕ, grade B

PIPE LUBЕ, grade B

PIPE LUBЕ, grade B - complex mixture of organic acids and surfactants. High efficiency consists in the high permeability of the substance into the structure of the sticking zone and the destructive effect of acids on their mineral components 


  • Elimination of sticking of the boring tool
  • High performance
  • Forms a stable emulsion without the use of special surfactants does not form foam
  • Safe material, no negative environmental impacts
Typical properties
  • Appearence: Dark brown pungent liquid
  • Alkalinity:Neutral
  • Specific gravity (g/cm3):0,9 – 0,99
Application guidelines

In practice, PIPE LUBE is used in the form of special complex packs in pure form, or mixed with oil or diesel fawn in a ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 and 1:3, taking into account the required volume

Safety measures

Does not require special requirements for transportation, storage and useWhen using it is recommended to use personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves) and observe personal hygiene


PIPE LUBE is delivered in metal barrels of 200 l

36000, Poltava
Pushkina str., 6
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72
61072, Kharkiv
23 Serpnya Str., 20-А, оf. 11 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72

04053, Kyiv 
Observatorna str., 25 
tel: +38 067 577-75-04
tel: +38 067 546-62-72


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